The new release is mostly a bugfix release due to the Easter holidays. There is one new feature released – initials instead of avatar when using anonymous users.
New Features
Only one new feature is implemented for this release
Initials as avatar
When using anonymous users (just a name) and no social login or Jira add-on use, now instead of the boring user icon the initials of the user are shown.
Initials as avatar
This release includes bugfixes of some small but annoying bugs in the system.
Scrolling issue in the Jira add-on
Now it is possible to scroll with the mouse wheel in the settings dialog in Chrome. Before this was possible only by clicking on the scroll bar.
Selection of the Add All Stories menu.
Before it was difficult to select the add all stories with the mouse and possible with the keyboard or at the second attempt. Now it is always possible to select the Add All Stories when there is more than one story listed.
Kanban board timing estimation
Before there was an issue not allowing to estimate Kanban tickets with time. Now this bug is fixed and the Kanban board’s Original Time Estimate and Remaining Time are updated.
Note: To be able to estimate Jira tickets with time, please map the story points to hours in the Settings dialog and also enable numeric labels on cards so that the time estimate is printed on the cards.
Happy voting!
All those nice features (and fixed bugs) have been completed thanks to our users – they have requested and we have implemented them. Please help Scrumpy Planning Poker become even more convenient for you by submitting a feature request/bug to our Feature Requests page or up-vote an existing feature that you find useful. Thank you!
The new release is out and contains several new features as well as some bug fixes on issues reported by our customers.
New Features
Facebook sign-in
Now it is possible to sign in with your Facebook account. This is done from the main screen after you sign-out from the Settings page or create a new room. The Facebook application as well as all the rest sign-in integrations read only the public data – name and avatar which are displayed in the application.
Facebook sign-in now available
After sign in, inside the left pane the information which platform was used to sign in, or “Anonyous user” is displayed.
Information on the sign-in platform used
Preserving settings when signing in from another browser or device
Now when you sign in from one device with one of the social sign-ins, the settings you make are preserved and are loaded when you sign in from the same account on another device.
Add all stories
In Jira, GitHub and GitLab there is a new button on top of the stories list that allows you to add all stories that are in the drop-down list as long as there is more than one story there. For example, this way you can add with one click all un-estimated stories from the next sprint. It works well in combination with the bookmarked story queries.
Add all stories to refinement list
Settings optionally changeable by any user
Now there is an option in the settings page to allow anyone from the team to change the settings. When this option is set, the settings can be adjusted by any participant during the time when there is no current vote.
Settings optionally changeable by any participant
Disallow moderator changes during the refinement session
Sometimes participants intentionally (or not) click on the Request Moderatorship button and change the currently active moderator. The Scrum Master is not happy and tries to restore the moderator state unless some other participant “steals” it.
To avoid this, there is an option in the settings page that disallows any moderator change requests once the room has an active connected moderator. Unless this moderator disconnects from the room, nobody else can become a moderator.
Disallow moderator change
Bug fixes
In rare cases connection cannot be established (Jira add-on)
In some rare cases, some of the users of the Jira add-on could not connect. Now this is fixed.
PWA broken
Installing the mobile app (Add to desktop) allows installation of Scrumpy Planning Poker as native application. When installed this way and starting the app for the second time caused it to loop the loading screen forever. Now this is fixed and the PWA application starts normally.
Happy voting!
All those nice features (and fixed bugs) have been completed thanks to our users – they have requested and we have implemented them. Please help Scrumpy Planning Poker become even more convenient for you by submitting a feature request/bug to our Feature Requests page or up-vote an existing feature that you find useful. Thank you!
The new release is out and it contains 2 major and long anticipated improvements like the JQL bookmarks and Jira Server as well as some minor bug fixes.
New Features
Jira Server
The Jira Server is finally approved and available for installation on your Jira Server instances The marketplace link is here.
When installed, the add-on behaves like the well known Jira Cloud add-on. There is still no Confluence integration with automatic summary generation though.
Jira Server add-on
Recent queries and query bookmarks
Finally, we introduced a great improvement on the way how JQL queries are maintained (same for GitHub and GitLab queries).
The drop-down box for the queries now shows the recent queries, the bookmarked most-often used queries and example queries which can be used as a starting point. Note that the bookmarked queries are excluded from the recent queries to save space in the drop-down box.
Bookmark queries and recent queries
Gravatar sign in
The Gravatar sign in now works again. It works by first entering the e-mail address of the profile, then the avatar appears on the right side of the e-mail box and then when pressing this button with tooltip “Sign in as <your user>”, the Gravatar profile is used.
Add To Home Screen
Sometimes after installing the Scrumpy Planning Poker as a mobile application, starting it leads to infinite loop. Now the most recent room is open and the application starts immediately.
Disabled cookes
Navigating to a room with the local storage (cookies, etc.) disabled caused by add-blockers, anonymizing tools, etc. lead to inability to enter the room. Now Scrumpy can be used with those tools.
Happy voting!
All those nice features (and fixed bugs) have been completed thanks to our users – they have requested and we have implemented them. Please help Scrumpy Planning Poker become even more convenient for you by submitting a feature request/bug to our Feature Requests page or up-vote an existing feature that you find useful. Thank you!
In this release there are quite some major improvements. A lot of work has been done to improve the performance and add support for new platform integrations.
New features
The quite big set of new features include GitHub, GitLab, Confluence summary improvements and complete refactoring of the code to allow great performance in the browser.
GitHub support
Now it is possible to integrate with GitHub directly and using GitHub queries it is easy to list and add stories for estimation. Both issues from free public repositories as well as private repositories can be estimated.
Sign In with GitHub
Signing in Scrumpy Planning Poker can now be done with GitHub. Just select the button from the list of social sign in and you’ll be listed in the planning poker room with your GitHub avatar and name:
Sign In with GitHub
After signed in, others will see your GitHub profile, but access to issues is still not set up.
To complete the configuration, go to the Settings page and set the GitHub access token that was previously created.
Configure GitHub integration
To create a personal access token for access with GitHub, go to your settings page and choose Personal Access Tokens.
As in the Jira Cloud integration, there is an option to add comments to issues that are being estimated. The comment includes a link to the poker room as well as the result of the estimate.
Listing issues
To find the issues that will be estimated and add them to the list of planned story, as usual, search for the issues in the query box. The queries supported are GitHub queries which can be used to find any issue in both public and private projects. For example, to list only issues in a particular project, use the repo: prefix, for example repo:scrumpypoker/test. You can list stories assigned to a user, created by a user or just do a free-text search for example Abracadabra+repo:scrumpypoker/test will search for all issues that have Abracadabra in the summary or description and belong to the scrumpypoker/test project. More information about the GitHub queries can be found in the GitHub Search documentation.
In case you forget about this link, it is always accessible from the story context menu (About GitHub queries):
Show more information about GitHub queries
Editing issues
The collaboration editor is integrated with GitHub so you can edit in-place the GitHub summary, description and labels as in the Jira add-on.
In-place GitHub issue editing
Estimating the stories
Since there is no field that is designated to story points in GitHub, this is done using labels. The label estimate:<points> is used to mark the estimate of a story. Any previous estimate is removed prior to assigning a new estimate.
Estimate story through the labels
GitLab support
Now it is possible to integrate with GitLab directly and using GitLab project-based free-text search, it is easy to list and add stories for estimation. Both issues from free public repositories as well as private repositories can be estimated.
Sign In with GitLab
Signing in Scrumpy Planning Poker can now be done with GitLab. Just select the button from the list of social sign in and you’ll be listed in the planning poker room with your GitLab avatar and name:
Sign In with GitLab
After signed in, others will see your GitLab profile, but access to issues is still not set up.
To complete the configuration, go to the Settings page and set the GitLab access token that was previously created.
Configure GitLab access token and project
Except the personal access token, the GitLab integration needs also a root project that will be bound to this planning poker room. All queries for issues from now on will be for this project only. This is a bit different from the GitHub integration due to the GitLab specifics.
Note: you cannot start estimating stories until both the token and the project is selected. You can generate a personal access token from the GitLab settings page. Just make sure you give it API scope.
Listing issues
Issues can be listed from the search query using free text and wildcard matching as described in the GitLab search documentation. For example, exception free text pattern matching, you can use #1 for for issue number 1, #2453 for issue with IID 2453, etc.
Search for issues in GitLab project
Editing issues
The collaboration editor is integrated with GitLab and the currently focused issues can be edited as usual. Additionally, comments can be viewed (only the ones added by real people, e.g. excluding the system comments) and labels can be edited.
In-place editing of GitLab issues
Estimating the stories
Note: the estimation now utilizes the Weight field when story points are used and Estimate when time mapping has been specified in the room settings. Please refer to the latest release notes about this here.
As in the GitHub and Jira integrations, when the Add Comment option is checked, a comment is added in the issue after each successful estimate:
Comment generation and history record from the issue
Manual Confluence summary generation
Now there is an easy shortcut to generate a Confluence summary page after the refinement session is over. Previously, this was done automatically. From now on, this option is available only for manual trigger. The generation can be triggered from the … context menu of the refinement session when the root Confluence Page that will hold the reports has been assigned from the Settings page.
Generate Confluence summary page
Fixed Bugs
Together with the features, several bugs have been fixed.
Social login not working
Due to Twitter requesting extra information and Google migrating away from Google Plus, those two social login buttons did not work. Now they are back in order.
Social login working again
New Room creation not always successful
Sometimes, creating a new room required you to manually refresh the page to see the cards. Now this is no longer required and the room is open as soon as it is created after pressing the Poker Now button.
Confluence not able to select a root page
The configuration to choose the root Confluence page in the settings was gone and now it is back in place: