Vote certainty in release Sep 30 2018


In the new release you can find nice new features like vote certainty level, guest mode, collaboration view for mobile users as well as significant improvements in the way how votes of disconnected users are displayed and few bugfixes.

Fixed bugs

Confluence add-on

Now the Confluence add-on is separated from the Jira add-on as required after the latest updates of Atlassian APIs. If you need to generate nice summary page after each refinement session ends automatically, please install the Confluence add-on located here (currently reviewed by Atlassian)

Confluence add-on
Confluence add-on

Story search box

When the vertical space was not enough to fit most of the stories retrieved using JQL query, the drop down search box was a bit off hiding the search field. This lead to inability to add new stories to the list of stories to refine.

Fixed height of stories drop-down
Fixed height of stories drop-down

New features

Vote certainty level

If enabled from the settings panel, the number of different votes that each participant gave will be displayed on the as badges. The idea is that if during a discussion people vote more than once with a different card this means that they are not certain enough. When the certainty level drops too much, it’s recommended to discuss again the task and re-vote.

Enable vote certainty
Enable vote certainty

Once the setting is enabled, the number of different votes for each participant and the calculated certainty level is displayed on the right pane as follows:

Number of different votes
Number of different votes

The calculation is as follows: If someone votes twice, this vote weights 0.5, if someone votes 3 times differently, this vote weighs 0.33 and so on. The certainty level is considered in info, warning and error level according to the following percentages:

  • Between 50% and 75%: info level
  • Between 25% and 50%: warning level
  • Below 25%: error level

For voting count, the levels are calculated as follows:

  • 2 votes: info level
  • 3 votes: warning level
  • 4 votes: error level
  • 6 votes is the maximum that is accounted

The voting certainty level is also displayed in the summary panel. The team’s scrum master can make a decision whether to re-vote the story or accept the current certainty level.

Certainty level in summary
Certainty level in summary

Guest mode

Recently we had a request to implement guest mode. The guest mode does not allow to participate in the vote, but the guest participant can still watch the voting process and be part of the discussion. The list of guests is separated from the list of regular participants in the right pane:

List of guest users
List of guest users

The guest mode can be enabled from a switch on the bottom of the planned stories.

Guest mode setting
Guest mode setting

The option is not available for the moderator. If the moderator is not allowed to vote, there is a separate setting about this in the settings panel.

Disconnected participants

Sometimes when using smartphones, participants get disconnected when they switch them off during a discussion. Now the disconnected users who voted are displayed in a separate section in the right pane so that their votes are visible:

Disconnected participants
Disconnected participants

Collaboration view for mobile users

Before the collaboration view was available for desktop users. Now the stories, the comments and attachments can be also viewed on smartphones. This removes the need to switch between tabs in the mobile browsers to read the story.

Collaboration view for mobile users
Collaboration view for mobile users

The collaboration view for the currently selected story can be open with the large round button on the bottom left corner:

Open mobile collaboration view
Open mobile collaboration view

Happy voting!

All those nice features (and fixed bugs) have been completed thanks to our users – they have requested and we have implemented them. Please help Scrumpy Planning Poker become even more convenient for you by submitting a feature request/bug to our Feature Requests page or up-vote an existing feature that you find useful. Thank you!

Comments and attachments in release Sep 16 2018


In the new release you can find great new enhancements like comments and attachments in the collaboration view, an option to disable voting auto-start as well a small number of bug-fixes.

New features

Show Jira comments and attachments in the Collaboration View

Sometimes the important information about a ticket is not only in the ticket’s description. Comments and attachments are important so now they are also displayed in expandable sections.

The comments section lists each comment in it’s own paragraph citing the author as follows:

Comments section
Comments section

The attachments are displayed each in their own paragraph and a thumbnail if the file format supports thumbnails (e.g.  image)

Attachments section
Attachments section

Add an option to disable voting auto-start

For some teams it is natural that any participant can vote at any time, even before it is officially announced that voting is enabled. For other teams this sometimes breaks the concentration of participants or causes awkward questions why some people vote too early. To overcome this, there is a new option in the Settings box to disable voting auto-start by any participant. When enabled, only the moderator can start the vote.

Disable voting auto-start
Disable voting auto-start

Add preset to download and upload stories

Now it is possible to import/export the stories together with their voting presets. This means that each story can have its own voting style like T-Shirt for bugs, Fibonacci for normal stories, etc.

Card presets as shortcut under the stories list

Now it is possible to switch presets ad-hoc from a button just bellow the list of stories. Note that this resets the default voting preset for all stories that have no explicitly assigned a preset. If this is done by accident, the old setup can be restored from the Settings page. At least 2 presets are needed to make the button visible.

Add-hoc presets
Add-hoc presets

Add temporary maintenance page

We’re working towards disabling any maintenance issues at all with smooth zero down-time deployment. Until this is implemented, we’ve added a maintenance page which will show that there is an undergoing maintenance which usually lasts between 15 and 25 seconds.

System under maintenance
System under maintenance

Happy voting!

All those nice features (and fixed bugs) have been completed thanks to our users – they have requested and we have implemented them. Please help Scrumpy Planning Poker become even more convenient for you by submitting a feature request/bug to our Feature Requests page or up-vote an existing feature that you find useful. Thank you!

Card presets in release Sep 08 2018


The new release includes a bit more bug fixes than usual and few new features including card presets which help to use different cards per planned story.

New Features

Card presets

The card presets introduce different set of cards (a combination of card types and enabled cards) per each planned story. The presets can be defined from the Settings dialog box in the Cards tab as follows:

Card presets
Defining a preset in Settings

Pressing the (x) button in the preset chip deletes it. Pressing the (x) button in the preset combo box switches to the default voting cards.

Changing card types and enabled cards while a preset is active will change only the selected preset. The default voting cards will be left as is.

Each preset must start with a unique letter so that this letter is used as a badge for planned stories that have presets defined. By clicking on the story avatar, a menu appears from which a preset can be selected. The menu is available only if there is at least one preset defined.

Selecting a preset per story
Selecting a preset per story

The selected preset can be removed with the Clear preset menu entry. Once a preset is defined for a story, the voting cards will switch as soon as this story is selected.

The early voting for stories with an assigned preset will also show the set of cards that are allowed to be used.

Improved drag & drop

The drag & drop now shows empty space for the item that is being dragged. This makes drag & drop more intuitive and shows exactly where the item will be dropped.

Improved Drag & Drop
Improved Drag & Drop

Add an option to switch adding new stories to bottom or top

Sometimes it is more convenient to append stories to the end of the planned stories list instead of placing it always at the top. There is now an option that allows placing stories at the bottom of the list:

Adding new stories to the bottom
Adding new stories to the bottom

Invite via e-mail

Sometimes it is more convenient to directly send invitation to a list of users via e-mail. This is now possible from the share button:

Invite via e-mail menu
Invite via e-mail menu

A dialog box pops up where a list of e-mail addresses can be entered. All e-mail addresses must be valid to be able to send the invitation:

Send invitation via e-mail
Send invitation via e-mail

Disabling moderator vote

Now the disable moderator vote is more intuitive and is more clear that the moderator cannot vote. A question mark in grayed out state appears as the vote of the moderator to indicate that this will be the default vote if no other participant voted at all:

Moderator not allowed to vote
Moderator not allowed to vote

If there are participants voted or there are early votes, the There be dragons vote of the moderator will disappear.

There is also a +1 suffix to the total number of participants to indicate that the moderator cannot vote and is added passively on top of the other participants.

Happy voting!

All those nice features (and fixed bugs) have been completed thanks to our users – they have requested and we have implemented them. Please help Scrumpy Planning Poker become even more convenient for you by submitting a feature request/bug to our Feature Requests page or up-vote an existing feature that you find useful. Thank you!

Import/Export CSV in release Sep 01 2018


The new release includes a big new feature assisting users that have no Jira integration (CSV Import/Export) and also some minor improvements on how to reach out for help or ask ad-hoc questions.

New Features

Import and Export CSV

When using Scrumpy Planning Poker as estimation tool for which we don’t have direct integration, our users have to write each story by hand or copy-paste the title and optionally the summary and description.

Now it is possible to import a CSV (comma-separated value plain text content file). The encoding of the file must be UTF-8 to be able to keep the special characters inside. The import/export shortcuts are available just below the cards:

Import/Export shortcuts
Import/Export shortcuts

When you click on the upload button (the leftmost one), a dialog box will appear where you can either select files directly by clicking on the outlined area or drag & drop files from a folder:

Drag & Drop upload
Drag & Drop upload

The format of the CSV file is as follows:

  • Comma-separated values
  • Quoted string entries and unquoted number entries (e.g. current story points)
  • UTF-8 encoding

The header is the following:

  • assignee: The assignee of the ticket
  • avatar: The icon for the ticket indicating if this is a bug, story, epic, etc. (32x32px or vector image)
  • description: A more detailed explanation of the ticket
  • key(*): An obligatory ticket ID, for example AB-1234
  • link: A URL to the system where the ticket is located
  • status: The current ticket status (in progress, to refine, etc.)
  • statusAvatar: The icon for the current ticket status (16x16px or vector image)
  • storyPoints: The currently assigned story points
  • summary: A short description of the ticket

The easiest way to check the format is to export an existing list of stories with the export button.

More shortcuts to interactive help and support

We’ve seen that  some customers ask ad-hoc questions via the feedback form so we decided to add shortcuts for sending e-mail to our info address and an invitation shortcut to our #Slack discussion board. This way we’ll be able to immediately respond to questions on how to use certain feature.

Happy voting!

All those nice features (and fixed bugs) have been completed thanks to our users – they have requested and we have implemented them. Please help Scrumpy Planning Poker become even more convenient for you by submitting a feature request/bug to our Feature Requests page or up-vote an existing feature that you find useful. Thank you!

Collaboration editor in release Aug 26 2018


The new release from Aug 26 2018 contains many new features like the Collaboration Editor that we believe will make the use of Scrumpy Planning Poker even more fun!

Bugs fixed

New Room

The New Room menu entry is now operational again. Pressing this item creates a brand new Planning Poker room

New Features

Confluence Spaces and Pages

Before, only up to 25 Confluence Spaces and Pages could be displayed, and this caused troubles when setting up a summary page for Jira instances with a lot of spaces and pages. Now the limit is raised to 500, which should be enough to list the needed spaces and pages.

Show the JQL errors

When typing a JQL query, especially when it is a complex one, there is always a chance for making a mistake. Before, the query silently failed returning no results. Now the JQL error is printed just below the wrong query giving a detailed hint what might have gone wrong:

JQL errors displayed
JQL errors displayed

Display the meaning of the special cards

People often ask what is the meaning of the special cards. Well, they were intentionally left without description to let users put their own meanings and semantics. Now there is a short introduction with the most common usage for those cards in the welcome (help) page:

Display the meaning of the special cards
Display the meaning of the special cards

Play sounds when game starts/ends or is about to end

Usually, when the team is focused on reading and discussing the story, some participants tend to start the voting process earlier, before it was officially announced. Also, while being focused on reading the description, it is common to skip the announcement of the voting session start. That’s why, Scrumpy Planning Poker now plays discrete sounds when the first vote is made or the session starts. Also, when the game ends, a notification sound is played too. The sounds can certainly be switched off from the settings panel (active per participant):

Disable sounds setting
Disable sounds setting

Display Jira ticket description

Before, participants had to switch to external systems (e.g. Jira) to view the story details. Now, a separate split pane is displayed which contains the story description. It is now hopefully more convenient to stay in the Scrumpy Planning Poker application and discuss the issue summary and description without having to switch to Jira and then go back:

Split pane with story description
Split pane with story description

Add split pane for summary for non-Jira accounts

For the regular accounts that do not use the Jira integration it was a bit difficult to fit story details in only one sentence (the story title). This caused troubles for the team to get introduced to the story being refined. Now, the user story summary and description are available for display and edit on the right pane (collaboration view). It is now more convenient to enter and show story details that are visible to the team:

Summary and description for non-Jira users
Summary and description for non-Jira users

Collaboration editor (split pane)

And finally, the most important feature in the current release – the wysiwyg collaboration editor. The right pane of the screen, where summary and description is displayed, actually now allows direct editing with a single mouse click (by the moderator only). To add special styles like bold, italic, heading, links, etc. you need to select the text that needs special formatting. Don’t forget to press the Save icon to persist the changes! When Jira integration is active, the changes are directly persisted in the Jira ticket. Also, when edited and styled in Jira, the formatting is also available in Scrumpy Planning Poker! Here is how the collaboration editor looks:

Collaboration editor
Collaboration editor

Happy voting!

All those nice features (and fixed bugs) have been completed thanks to our users – they have requested and we have implemented them. Please help Scrumpy Planning Poker become even more convenient for you by submitting a feature request/bug to our Feature Requests page or up-vote an existing feature that you find useful. Thank you!

Early voting in release Aug 05 2018


The new release is now out and here are the outlines of what’s new in the latest release.

Bugs fixed

The following issues were resolved with the last release

Historical estimates do not always match what was chosen

When overriding the selected vote by Scrumpy, this vote was not properly displayed in the historical view (left pane). Now the correct vote is there

Correctly displaying the votes
Correctly displaying the votes

New features

The new features were carefully crafted according to the Feature Requests page and the received up-votes.

Auto-flip the cards once everyone has voted

Before, when all participants have voted, the timer was activated and the moderator had to press the forward button to complete the voting earlier. Now there is a new setting called Complete when everybody voted. When this option is enabled, the game ends immediately after all participants voted.

Enable auto-flip cards
Enable auto-flip cards

Early voting

Sometimes not all participants can be available for the planning/refinement session. In this case, it’s convenient to leave the vote in advance and let the team discuss it. Voting after is not possible since we believe that there must be always a discussion about the votes. In case early voting is not possible and being at the meeting is not an option, we think it is better to schedule another session.

The early voting can be enabled from the Settings page with the option Allow early voting as described below:

Allow early voting (settings)
Allow early voting (settings)

After the early voting is enabled, all the participants except the moderator can give their early vote at any time. This usually happens the same day or the day before the refinement session. The early vote is displayed on the right side of the ticket and is not visible to the other participants.

Early voting
Early voting

When the session starts, during the voting process the participants see the list of people who voted early:

Seeing who voted early
Seeing who voted early

Finally, when the cards are flipped and voting is complete, the result is shown in the summary page:

Complete voting
Complete voting

Happy voting!

All those nice features (and fixed bugs) have been completed thanks to our users – they have requested and we have implemented them. Please help Scrumpy Planning Poker become even more convenient for you by submitting a feature request/bug to our Feature Requests page or up-vote an existing feature that you find useful. Thank you!

Fibonacci and T-Shirt in release Jul 28 2018


The latest release of Scrumpy Planning Poker is focused on the different types of card types for estimation. With this release, the application now supports different type of cards and custom story points mapping that can fit every case like Fibonacci and T-Shirt story sizing.

New features

The new features were carefully crafted according to the Feature Requests page and the received up-votes.

Selecting cards sequences

Before, there was only one type of card sequence – 0,0.5,1,3,5,8,13,20,40,100. From the settings page, now you can select a few more sequences which have a different purpose. For example, the Fibonacci sequence is more accurate when estimating more complex tasks, while the T-Shirt estimate is not bound to points and can have a custom mapping from a T-shirt to story point.

The sequence can be chosen at any time from the Settings page. The Settings page can be open only when there is no current voting session.

Custom card sequence
Custom card sequence

Real Fibonacci sequence

Before, Scrumpy Planning Poker used only the most commonly used cards for estimation, which partly resembled a Fibonacci sequence, but was not exactly this. Now, the real Fibonacci sequence of 1,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144 is available.

Fibonacci sequence cards
Fibonacci sequence cards

The Fibonacci sequence is more convenient when estimating more complex tasks which are above the regular 1-13 set of estimates.

T-shirt story sizing

The T-Shirt story sizing is convenient when stories are not visually bound to story points, but to T-shirt sizes. This way the voters evaluate tasks by small/big scale without thinking about the story points. This card sequence allows custom mapping to any type of ascending story points. The scale can be linear, progressive, exponential or anything that fits the project.

T-Shirt story sizing
T-Shirt story sizing

The adjusting of the mapping from a T-shirt to story points is available in the Settings page. Note that only ascending mappings is supported, e.g. the cards must be ordered from small to big.

Custom T-Shirt story sizes
Custom T-Shirt story sizes

Happy voting!

All those nice features have been implemented thanks to our users – they have requested and we have implemented them. Please help Scrumpy Planning Poker become even more convenient for you by submitting a feature request to our Feature Requests page or up-vote an existing feature that you find useful. Thank you!

What’s new in release Jul 21 2018


This release is the result of our new program  to let our customers build Scrumpy Planning Poker the way it fits best their needs. We’ve opened a separate page for collecting ideas and allowing up-voting.

The ideas page

The page allows both us and our customers to freely submit ideas. Those ideas are edited and published in the ideas section of the page. Then anyone can vote up or down for a feature. We are implementing those feature requests according to the priority and include some of them in the next release. The new features are documented at the bottom of the same page.

Release Jul 21

The release includes the following features:

Exclude certain cards

Now cards can be excluded from the Cards tab in the settings page as follows:

Exclude cards
Exclude cards

Once the cards are excluded from the check mark in the Cards settings, they are marked as unavailable in the voting section to avoid disconcentrating the players.

Excluded cards
Excluded cards

Stop animated blue bar after voting

The annoying animated bar that distracts the voters attention when discussing the results is now gone. Now the box appears as follows:

Removed animated bar
Removed animated bar

Add support for JQL

Now you can enter regular JQL queries in the story search box. Additionally, there are other usability improvements like combining several JQL queries, adding individual tickets to the list and convenience buttons for adding and removing stories to the list for the refinement session:

Quick add/remove JQL
Quick add/remove JQL
  1. JQL query in addition to individual Jira tickets
  2. A clear button that also resets the drop down to the list of planned stories
  3. A quick add/remove buttons to easily adjust the list of planned stories

Create poker room per team

Now inside the Jira plugin the currently selected board is used to map to a room, or the project itself when used in the root dashboard. The board is the closest match to ‘Team’ in standard Jira installations. In the future we might extend this to support Jira Portfolio teams.

New Jira shortcuts
New Jira shortcuts
  1. Mapping board per poker room. Each project can have more than one board. If no board is defined, the project is mapped to a room.
  2. Planning poker shortcut in the project’s space

Shortcuts to project’s room in Jira

The project space now has a shortcut to the currently selected board’s poker room or the project itself if no board is defined. The Estimate button has been removed as it is much easier to use the new JQL query in the search box.

Support for IE11

Now IE11 is a supported browser. Before we didn’t consider this browser at all, but since it was submitted as a feature request and up-voted so it became a supported browser.

Scrumpy in IE11
Scrumpy in IE11

Your vote matters

Thank you all for submitting those nice and useful ideas! You can get back at any time to the feature requests page and tell us what you need or provide some instant feedback from inside the application.

Confluence, Jira, Stride and Slack integrations

Coffee Table atlassian products


Scrumpy Planning Poker integrates with various external systems like Jira and Confluence to make the voting process as transparent and convenient as possible. In this post, we shall discuss, the most common integrations that are a must-have for every scrum team using story points for estimating tasks.

Setting up the integrations

When you sign in as a room moderator to the Scrumpy Planning Poker application, you can configure the integrations from the settings page:

Open the settings dialog box
Open the settings dialog box

Inside the settings, there are several integrations mainly done through user/API token combinations or web-hook URLs.

Jira integration

The Jira integration is described in detail in Jira integration for Scrumpy Planning Poker and consists of entering the details:

  • Jira root URL. This is the root domain which you open when navigating to the Jira ticketing system. For example,
  • Jira user. This is the user on whose behalf Scrumpy Planning Poker will update story points, add comments with estimate summary or create Confluence summary pages for the refinement sessions. For example,
  • Jira API token. This is the API token that can be obtained from the Atlassian Account Manager. The API token is used to authorize your Jira user to make comments, update story points or create Confluence pages.
Filling in Jira API token
Filling in Jira API token

After the Jira integration is set up, when a ticket is refined its story points are automatically updated and in addition to that, a comment is added when and how it was estimated.

Jira ticket integration
Jira ticket integration

Confluence integration

The integration with Confluence uses the same link and credentials as the Jira integration. You can specify which Confluence space will be used as a container for the summary pages created from the refinements.

When the last participant leaves a planning poker room, and this room is set up for summarizing in Confluence, a new Confluence page is created. The page is a summary of the voting session containing anonymous votes from the participants in the refinement session. The following screenshot shows an example:

Confluence summary page
Confluence summary page

Stride integration

The Stride application integration is used to publish messages in a chat room when a story is refined. A brief message similar to the one added as a comment in the refined Jira ticket is printed, for example:

Stride integration
Stride integration

The integration consists of entering the following details in the settings dialog box:

  • Stride room URL for posting messages. This is the link that can be copied from Stride when a bot needs to publish messages there. An example is”
  • Stride authorization token. This token can be obtained from the Stride application. For example: e6fK73KSUiRiKysQaQdb.

Slack integration

The Slack application integration is used to publish messages in a chat room when a story is refined. A brief message similar to the one added as a comment in the refined Jira ticket is printed, for example:

Slack integration
Slack integration

The integration consists of entering the following details in the settings dialog box:

  • Slack web-hook URL. This link can be taken from the Slack settings for the Incoming web-hook integration page. The appearance of the posting robot can be customized there also. The link can be entered in the settings dialog box of Scrumpy Planning Poker.

Integration demo

The following video shows how the Jira integration is used and the advantages when Scrumpy Planning Poker is directly integrated with Jira:

Jira integration for Scrumpy Planning Poker

Jira Integration


Scrumpy Planning Poker provides an easy way to connect to Jira and Confluence. The integration includes automatically filling in story/bug/task details, placing story points on tickets when voting is complete and finally adding a comment in the story how it was estimated and what was the average estimate. Optionally, a Confluence summary page can be generated with anonymous voting information for each ticket refined during the session.

The Atlassian Plugin

The most straight-forward way to integrate with Jira and Confluence is to install the Atlassian plugin. From inside Jira using a simple shortcut, a planning poker room can be open and associated with the currently selected project board. The name of the room is the name of the Jira board. The Jira users will be mapped directly to participants and the estimating process can immediately start.

New Jira shortcuts
New Jira shortcuts

From inside the story search box in the planning poker room, the Jira tickets can be individually selected or in bulk using JQL.

Quick add/remove JQL
Quick add/remove JQL

Getting the Atlassian API token

In case installing the plugin to the Jira Cloud instance is not an option, an API token can be generated to let Scrumpy Planning Poker use Jira and Confluence on your behalf.

The information that Scrumpy Planning Poker needs

Using this API token, Scrumpy Planning Poker will be able to search tickets in Jira as you type them in the search box, automatically update the story points estimate, add comments in the ticket with a summary and finally generate a summary Confluence page.

Obtaining the API token

To get this token, navigate your browser to the Atlassian Account Management portal and log in if not yet signed in.

Atlassian Account Management
Atlassian Account Management

The next step is to select the API tokens menu on the left. This menu will take you to the next screen, where you can create a new API token. Those tokens can be revoked at any time and are not connected in any way with the master password of your account.

Atlassian API token
Atlassian API token

The final step is to press the Create API token which will generate a new API token. The token can be copied to the clipboard so that it can be easily pasted in the Scrumpy Planning Poker settings dialog box later.

Create new API token
Create new API token

After pressing the Create button, the token is ready to be entered in the Scrumpy Planning Poker settings and start using the Jira and Confluence integration.

Setting up Scrumpy Planning Poker

After the Jira site URL, the user on whose behalf the integration will happen and the API token are at hand, they can be entered in the settings page of Scrumpy Planning Poker.

Open the settings dialog box
Open the settings dialog box

When the Settings dialog box opens up, choose the Integrations tab to navigate to the settings that are specific to integrations with external applications.

Navigate to the Integrations tab
Navigate to the Integrations tab

The final step of the configuration is to fill in the Jira URL, the Username and the API token for Jira and Confluence integrations. The Jira URL is usually in the format <company> or <company>

Filling in Jira API token
Filling in Jira API token

After the Atlassian credentials have been set up, a Confluence space can be selected to contain the summaries of the refinement sessions. For example, a brand new space called “Refinement Sessions” or “Refinement Sessions – Blockchain Team” can be created. If this is not needed, but previously set up, the X button can be used to remove the option to generate refinement session summaries.

Finally, the setup can be tested by trying to search for a Jira ticket in the search box of Scrumpy Planning Poker:

Searching for a Jira ticket
Searching for a Jira ticket

Congratulations! You can now set your Jira URL, user and API token in the Scrumpy Planning Poker’s room settings. This will allow you to search for Jira tickets, automatically fill in estimates in tickets and get a generated summary page at the end of the refinement session.

Please check this video tutorial on how you can setup Jira and Confluence integration and how you can prepare the tickets for the refinement sessions, estimate them and let Scrumpy Planning Poker automatically fill in the estimates and comments.